Consulate General in Hong Kong

All practical information on our Consulate General in Hong Kong.

Contact our Consulate General in Hong Kong

Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Consulate General in Hong Kong.
  1. Last updated on


Consulate General of Belgium
9/F St. John's Building
33 Garden Road Central 
Hong Kong SAR China


T: +852 2524 3111
F: +852 2868 5997


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Outside the regular opening hours an emergency phone number is available, to be used in case of emergency only (arrest, stolen documents,…):

+852 9612 8272 

Any questions regarding administration or requests for information (visa, passport renewal,…) will not be answered on this number.

Opening hours

9am to 12pm / 2pm to 4pm, by appointment only

For the Visa section, please click here.

For the Consular section, please click here.

Closing days in 2025 (PDF, 94.41 KB)

Access map