Certificate of Good Conduct / Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) / Certificate of Criminal Record

On this page, you will find all information about the Certificate of Good Conduct.

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In Belgium - Certificate of Good Conduct

The Consulate General is not competent to issue such document for any period of time you spent in Belgium. If you require an extract from the Belgian criminal record, you should direct your request to the Federal Public Service Justice – Central criminal record.

Read more on the FPS Foreign Affairs website

In Hong Kong – CNCC

The Hong Kong Police Department can issue a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) for the duration of your stay in Hong Kong.

Generally speaking, only Hong Kong citizens can ask a CNCC. Foreign citizens who would like to apply for a CNCC need to provide a recommendation letter from the Consulate General of Belgium. To request this letter you need to provide a copy of your passport and your HKID, as well as the reason why you are applying for the CNCC. The recommendation letter will be issued free of charge.

You then have to take this recommendation letter to the Police Department in Wanchai. You can find the procedure on the website of the Police Department

The police will send the CNCC to the Consulate General and you will receive a notification to come and collect the document.

There are two additional steps before you can submit the CNCC to the Consulate General (e.g. to apply for a visa):

  1. After collecting the CNCC from the Consulate General you need to take it to the District Office to make a declaration. More information
  2. After making the declaration, the CNCC needs to be legalised by apostille before it can be used at the Consulate General of Belgium. More information about legalisation and apostille

In Macau – Certificate of Criminal Record

You can request a Certificate fo Criminal Record for your stay in Macau from the Direcção dos Serviços de Identificação

Please note that a Certificate of Criminal Record from Macau needs to be legalised by apostille before it can be used at the Consulate-General of Belgium. For the apostille you have to contact the Direcção dos Serviços de Asuntos do Justiça. More information about legalisation and apostille