Consular registration

On this page you will find all the information about your registration at the Consulate General.

  1. Last updated on

Registration in the consular population register of the Consulate General is not compulsory but offers you similar administrative services as offered by the municipalities in Belgium.

When your file is up to date, the Consulate General will be able to assist you more easily, even when you need urgent emergency assistance (e.g. in case of accidents, disasters, evacuations, etc).  


Only Belgian citizens who:

  1. are not registered in a municipality in Belgium
  2. have their main residence in Hong Kong or Macau

Tourists, students and other Belgians who are in Hong Kong or Macau for a limited period of time but who are not residents (e.g. students) can inform the Consulate General of their presence in the jurisdiction of the consular post. This allows the consulate staff to be in touch if the need should arise, but it does not give access to the consular services.

  • Tourists or travelers are welcome to inform the Consulate General of their presence by registering their travels on Travellers Online. This will allow the FPS Foreign Affairs to inform and support you when necessary. Your contact details will remain confidential at all times.
  • If you are a Belgian citizen who will be staying in Hong Kong or Macau for a limited period of time, for instance as a student or for the duration of a business project, you can contact the Consulate General to ask for the temporary registration form. A temporary file will be set up in the consular database, which will contain the information your provide. The file will be removed automatically on the set end date, so it is important that you inform the consulate of any changes of your departure date.


Online: e-Consul

The application e-Consul allows you to register yourself online. Click here to access e-Consul

You have access to this website if:

  1. You are a Belgian citizen
  2. You are no longer registered in a commune in Belgium (you have informed the commune of your departure abroad)
  3. You are in possession of an activated eID card and a smart card reader
  4. You know the PIN code for you eID card

Via e-mail

You can send the required documents for registration by e-mail. The consulate staff will confirm your registration by e-mail.

Please note that:

  • Documents can only be accepted in PDF format
  • Each family member needs a separate set of documents
  • Incomplete files will not be accepted (please refer to the checklist of documents, below)

In person

To register you can come to the Consulate-General in person as well, by appointment only

  • Each family member needs a separate set of documents
  • Incomplete files will not be accepted (please refer to the checklist of documents, below)

Forms and documents

The forms and the checklist of the required documents are available in French or in Dutch. 


Once you are registered, please inform the Consulate General of any changes in your civil status (e.g. marriage, divorce, birth, name change,…) , the composition of your household, address, profession to keep your data up to date in the national registry. This can avoid a number of problems in the future.

Each renewal of your residence permit will also need to be registered.


When you either relocate back to Belgium or  to another country (for which a different embassy or consulate is responsible), you must report to your municipal authorities within 8 working days of your arrival. Your file will be forwarded to your new consular post once your registration is completed. Please inform  the Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong of your departure.

You can find more detailed information regarding relocation to Belgium in French and in Dutch


Processing of personal data during registration in the consular registers