Driver's license

On this page, you will find all information about driving licences in Belgium and Hong Kong.

  1. Last updated on


The Consulate General is not authorized to deliver any Belgian or international driving licenses, or a duplicate thereof.

You can obtain a duplicate of a driver’s license from the last municipality in Belgium where you were registered, on the condition that you are registered at a Belgian embassy or consulate abroad.

More information is available in Dutch or in French


Holders of a Belgian driving license can apply for a Hong Kong driving license.

When applying for a Hong Kong driving license you will be asked to provide a translation of your Belgian license. Click here for the list of translators – the Transport Department recognizes these translators and does not require any further legalisation of the translated document.

Information is available on the website of the Transport Department


In Hong Kong

As a Belgian citizen you can apply for an International Driving Permit in Hong Kong, on condition that you hold a Hong Kong driving license. More information on the website of the Hong Kong Transport Department

In Belgium

Belgian citizens who wish to apply for an International Driving Permit in Belgium have to be the holder of a valid Belgian e-ID card.